
What are



The purpose of malware attacks is to install malicious software on a victim’s computer. Short for “malicious software”, malware is a file or code that can be used to conduct any type of harmful behavior the attacker designs. Like other types of cyber attacks, malware is disproportionately delivered through email, but can also be distributed using other methods, such as Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) access and drive-by downloads from compromised websites. There are many kinds of malware, but most attackers use malware to infect, explore, steal, and exfiltrate data from their victims. Some of the more common types of malware distributed through email include the following:

  • Ransomware: Any type of extortion malware that locks your computer and demands payment in exchange for freeing your systems. 
  • Remote Access Trojan (RAT): Malware that allows an attacker to take control of a victim’s computer.
  • Spyware: Malware that collects data and/or information without a person’s consent, which may include keyloggers, information stealers, or adware.
  • Trojan: A piece of malware that disguises itself as a legitimate application, such as a Word document or Excel spreadsheet.

Recent Examples of



Fake Document Link-based Malware Attack

Re: [Hijacked Threat Subject]
Attack Date:
June 28, 2022

This link-based attack uses a hijacked email thread and a fake document theme to deliver malware.

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Fake Document Link-based Malware Attack

Attack Date:
June 22, 2022

This link-based attack impersonates an employee using a hijacked email thread, an external compromised account, a spoofed display name, and a fake document theme to deliver malware.

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Fake Document Link-based Malware Attack

Re: School Advisory Council
Attack Date:
June 16, 2022

This link-based attack impersonates an external third party using an external compromised account and a fake document theme to deliver malware.

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